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Our Subject Areas

Our comprehensive selection of resources spans numerous subject matters, ensuring that we meet a wide range of educator and family needs and interests. From Literacy and STEAM to SEL and beyond, we have the tools to support diverse learning goals.

Browse our Subjects

At-Home Learning

Designed to make learning at home fun, activities and lessons are easy for everyone to use. TCM at-home learning resources help fill knowledge gaps.

Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Teaching

Developed in partnership with Dr. Sharroky Hollie and TIME For Kids®, this program supports and affirms students from diverse backgrounds while teaching essential reading skills.

Early Childhood Education

Our beautifully illustrated books for toddlers and preschoolers, as well as solutions for pre-kindergarten children, support educators and families as they learn together. 


Our English language proficiency solutions support and enhance skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, which are vital for academic development and success.

English Language Arts/Literacy

Develop students’ proficiency in all areas of literacy—phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, content knowledge, and writing.

Gifted & Special Education

Support neuro diversity at school and at-home with resources from subject matter experts that build understanding and capacity for the gifted and special education child.


Our intervention programs focus on essential reading and math skills and support students in classroom settings, in before- and after-school programs, and in summer school.


Thinking, talking, and reading about math in real-world contexts help students build mathematical understanding, numeracy, and critical problem-solving skills

Professional Resources

Build educator capacity using best practices to elevate instruction. Find the support you need to address a wide variety of topics, challenges, and professional knowledge gaps.

Social-Emotional Learning

Focus on well-being for children, families, and educators by deepening social-emotional competencies and infusing them in literacy, social studies, science, mathematics, and elective areas.

Summer Learning

Summer is the ideal time to address grade-level learning gaps and to boost academic confidence for the coming school year. We offer at-school and at-home learning options to support student success during the summer break.


With a collection of STEAM materials, we offer opportunities to introduce students to science and the broader topics of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics).

Social Studies

Our non-fiction social studies content and curriculum provide educators with resources to easily integrate civics and primary sources into literacy instruction.

Spanish Resources

Offer Spanish language speakers equitable support with our translated solutions and books covering a variety of subjects and topics. 

Contact Us

If you have questions, comments, or concerns, the TCM team is always here to help.
