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Las figuras
Las figuras

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Las figuras

Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show shapes in the world around us.

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Brilla, brilla, estrellita

Two faraway friends realize that they are closer than they think when they admire the same beautiful shapes in the sky. Young readers will adore this charmingly illustrated version of the traditional rhyme. This book has been translated into Spanish.

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¿Ves una figura?

Look around you. Do you see a shape? Of course! There are shapes everywhere. Take a look at the shapes in this book to see which ones you recognize. This book has been translated into Spanish.

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En marcha
En marcha

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En marcha

How many ways are there to travel? Plenty! Take a look inside this book to see some of the fun ways that people go from here to there. This book has been translated into Spanish.

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Las ruedas en el autobús

A happy bus travels through a town, its wheels going round and round, in this charmingly illustrated version of the traditional song. This book has been translated into Spanish.

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La transportación

Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show all kinds of transportation from around the world.

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¿Qué es un abuelo?

What does it take to be a grandparent? Is it baking cookies? Is it a rocking chair? Every grandchild knows what really makes a grandparent. Read this book and find out. This book has been translated into Spanish.

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Quietito bebito

A mother sings a sweet lullaby to her baby in this beautifully illustrated version of the traditional song. This book has been translated into Spanish.

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Las familias
Las familias

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Las familias

This wordless book, filled with engaging images, shows children all kinds of families--each different in their own way, but alike in the most important way: they belong together.

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La muñeca de la señorita Molly

A little girl named Molly has a very sick dolly. She calls the doctor to come quick, quick, quick! Read what happens next in this sweetly illustrated version of the traditional song. This book has been translated into Spanish.

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Usa tu cerebro

What can your brain do? Just about anything you want it to! Read this book to imagine all the fun adventures you can have when you use your brain" to make them happen. This book has been translated into Spanish."

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La salud y la seguridad

Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless reader, filled with engaging, colorful images that show good health and safety practices.

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La avena, los chícharos, los ejotes y la cebada crecen

A farmer grows delicious crops of oats, peas, beans, and barley, while a playful mouse grows crops of its own, in this delightfully illustrated version of the traditional song. This book has been translated into Spanish.

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Si fuera un árbol

Would you like to be a tree? The child in this book imagines what a tree's life might be like. What does a tree do all day? Read this book to find out. This book has been translated into Spanish.

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Las plantas
Las plantas

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Las plantas

Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show the growth of a plant from a seed to a flower.

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Bee, bee, borreguito negro

A cuddly and woolly black sheep offers its wool to its master, its dame, and the little boy down the lane in this delightfully illustrated version of the traditional poem. This book has been translated into Spanish.

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Los hogares de los animales

Every animal has a home, just like you do. Each home is unique. Read this book to see where all the animals live. Would you like to live in these animal homes, too? This book has been translated into Spanish.

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Los animales
Los animales

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Los animales

Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless reader, filled with engaging, colorful images that show animal parents and babies in their natural habitats.

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Los desiertos
Los desiertos

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Los desiertos

Deserts may seem like harsh, uninhabitable places, but they support a diverse quantity of plant and animal life. Readers learn about hot and cold deserts alike, as well as semi-arid and coastal deserts in this Spanish-translated title.

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Los pantanos
Los pantanos

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Los pantanos

Readers learn all about wetlands and their complex interactions with plants and animals in this Spanish-translated title! They provide homes for many different kinds of plants and animals that are well adapted for the soggy conditions.

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Las selvas lluviosas

Learn all about tropical and temperate rainforests and the differences between these two unique biomes. Rainforests are filled with wonder and mystery, from the tall trees in the canopy to the dark and damp leaves on the forest floor.

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Los océanos
Los océanos

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Los océanos

Oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth's surface, providing students with a variety of plant and animal life to learn about. Students will also learn about the beach, tides, cliffs, bays, coastlines, coral reefs, and tide pools.

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Las selvas
Las selvas

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Las selvas

A forest is unlike any other biome on Earth. There are many life cycles found within a forest. Learn about the energy pyramid that explains the numbers of forest plants and animals. Learn about threats to these lively forests and how they survive!

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Las charcas
Las charcas

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Las charcas

A pond may seem quiet and subdued, but this unique ecosystem is filled with active life cycles. Students learn what distinguishes a pond from other bodies of water, the plant and animal life within it, and how they contribute to the pond itself.

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