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Family Engagement | SEL | March 7, 2025

Teaching and Parenting Tips for Brain Awareness

Understanding the brain can help create more effective, compassionate approaches to teaching and parenting. In this article, you'll discover practical tips for parents and teachers to better understand and support children's brain development. By exploring key concepts of brain awareness, you'll learn how to explain brain functions to kids, address challenges like ADHD and depression, and foster empathy in the classroom and at home. 

What We Know About the Brain

Brain Awareness Week is a wonderful opportunity to think about all the amazing things our brains are capable of. Although there is still much to learn, we know a great deal about the brain and how it works. We know that the brain has an amazing ability to learn, adapt, and modify itself based on experience. We know that trauma or abuse in early years can have devastating consequences for brain development and a person’s ability to connect with others. We know that different areas of the brain control different functions, and that problems in the connections between those areas can lead to problems in learning, behavior, thinking, and feeling.

How Brain Awareness Helps Teachers and Parents 

By understanding the brain and how difficulties in brain functioning affect kids and adults—and by being able to explain these things to kids in ways they can understand—we can do a better job as teachers and parents. Here are a few ways to do so! 

Help Kids Understand Their Own Brains 

I’ve been working with kids, teens, and adults for over twenty years. I keep information on brain structures and functioning in my office so I can explain to kids in simple terms what’s going on with their brains when they’re having problems.

Brain Awareness and Depression

For example, when talking with kids who are seriously depressed, it can be very helpful to show them a drawing of the human nerve cell and to explain how we believe that lower levels of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin can lead to depression. It also helps to show kids how medications can work in the brain synapse so that the amount of serotonin they do have works harder to help them feel less depressed.

Brain Awareness and ADHD

With kids with ADHD, I can show them how the prefrontal cortex, which is the “control center of the brain,” appears to be less active in people with ADHD, causing problems with inattention and hyperactivity. By prescribing stimulants such as Ritalin, Concerta, or Adderall, the control center is activated so it can provide greater focus and self-control and improve a person’s executive functioning skills.

Understanding Brain Functioning and Tasks

It’s important for parents, teachers, and children to understand that problems in brain functioning may explain why a task—such as focusing in school—is made more difficult by the presence of the disorder. However, the disorder does not excuse behavior or relieve a child of responsibility. It simply means those kids must work harder and use different strategies to make sure they stay focused, stay more organized with their school and home materials, and remember to do their schoolwork and hand it in on time.

Differences, Not Excuses

We also need to help kids understand that brain differences are not an excuse. Parents often complain that their children, once they learn they have a disorder, will deny responsibility for their actions. “What can you expect from me?” the child will say. “I have ADHD—I can’t help it.”


Help Destigmatize Disorders 

Another benefit of understanding brain functioning is that it can help destigmatize disorders. For example, a book for teens with ADHD titled I Would If I Could helps show that it’s not necessarily a lack of motivation or willpower, or a moral weakness that keeps kids from achieving at a higher level. They would focus better, be less fidgety, and work harder in school if they could.

Another book, You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?, sheds light on the low self-esteem adults and kids with ADHD often have. Knowing that ADHD and other disorders are legitimate problems that stem from brain differences—and that treatments are available for the disorders—can provide hope for kids who often feel like they’re not as good as their peers. It also helps teachers and parents not blame themselves for feeling like they’re doing a less than adequate job.

Effective Teaching

Dealing with children with disabilities or disorders in the classroom is more challenging than ever. It is difficult to teach a class of 30 students where eight or nine may have individualized educational plans (IEPs) that you must accommodate. It’s easy to get frustrated. After all, years ago there were no such accommodations, and kids seemed to do just fine—or so we thought. But today, because we know more about these disorders through brain awareness, we have an obligation to work harder to help these kids succeed.

It’s important to understand that a student who is talking out of turn in class is not always doing so deliberately, though it may feel that way. Most likely, that student is trying the best they can and may be acting out due to frustration at not being able to stay focused, impatience at not understanding the material, or anxiety about their performance. With that in mind, we’re able to respond more empathetically to these children, while at the same time setting necessary limits.

Effective Parenting 

In their wonderful book, Brain-Based Parenting, authors Daniel A. Hughes and Jonathan Baylin make the case that effective parenting requires using a healthy parenting brain. For example, consider what happens when children get angry: Their amygdala, which is the fear center of the brain, switches on due to a perceived threat, and their prefrontal cortex essentially turns off. This has been termed “neural hijacking.” The fear center of the brain shuts down the thinking center so that the body can get ready to engage in a fight-or-flight response. Today, most threats are not physical, but the brain responds the same way that it has for thousands of years.

So how does this apply to parenting? When your child erupts in anger, it helps to understand that child as being hijacked by the fear center of the brain, and thus not capable of thinking clearly. It’s not fair or helpful to the child to get angry in return, which, for many of us, is a natural reaction. We cannot expect kids to exert the kind of self-control we expect from adults. (Though in all fairness, many adults struggle with the same self-control issues.)

The best way to help a child in this situation is to be soothing, both in your tone of voice and in your approach. Using a calm tone, say something like, “I hear how angry you are, but it’s hard for me to listen when you use that tone of voice. If you can lower your voice a bit, we can talk about what’s upsetting you.” This gives your child the best chance at calming down quickly so that the conversation can get back on track. Validating a child’s feelings is soothing to the emotional brain and helps the thinking brain get back in control—which aids in problem solving. This is easier said than done, of course. As adults, we have a greater responsibility to maintain self-control if we are going to have any chance of teaching children how to develop self-control.

Brain Awareness for Parenting and Teaching

Remembering that kids learn by example may give you the extra boost that you need to stay calm, even when others around you are not. In their book Buddha’s Brain, Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius talk of the importance of developing “equanimity” as a way of engaging the brain’s “circuit breaker” to avoid overreacting and stay calm when dealing with whatever situations arise—something for which we all can strive.

Understanding the brain is key to supporting children's emotional, behavioral, and cognitive development. By learning how different brain functions affect behavior and by addressing challenges with empathy and strategies, parents and teachers can foster a positive and supportive environment. With the right tools and knowledge, we can empower children to better navigate their unique brain strengths and challenges, leading to greater success and well-being.



Family Engagement | SEL

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Dr. James J. Crist

Dr. James J. Crist is the clinical director and a staff psychologist at the Child and Family Counseling Center (CFCC) in Woodbridge, Virginia, and a substance abuse counselor, working with addictive disorders in teens and adults. At CFCC, he provides psychological testing and individual, couples, and family psychotherapy for children, adolescents, and adults, specializing in children with ADHD, depression, and anxiety disorders. He has authored and coauthored numerous books including I'm Here:...

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