Written in code in every cell of every living thing, DNA strands are packed inside a cell's nucleus carrying genetic information. Explore DNA's role in what makes each of us unique in this engaging, NGSS-aligned science book that supports STEM Education!
Item Number:27764
Composición de la materia
Join nuclear physicists in exploring how matter acts. Fifth grade readers will be drawn into subatomic particles, properties of elements and compounds, and more in this engaging, NGSS-aligned science book that supports STEM Education!
Item Number:27765
Mezclas y soluciones
Pizza. Smoothies. Lemonade. Examine the molecules behind mixtures and solutions that make our lives more enjoyable. Learn about heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures, solubility, physical and chemical change, and more in this NGSS-aligned science book.
Item Number:27766
Conservación de la masa
The laws of the universe may seem like magic, but it's really a matter of matter. Join physicists from past and present to uncover the magic of how matter changes yet remains the same in this NGSS-aligned science book that supports STEM Education!
Item Number:27767
Conservación de la energía
Energy literally makes the world go 'round. Without it, nothing would live, move, or react. From potential to kinetic and electrical to chemical, become an energy expert in this NGSS-aligned science book that supports STEM Education!
Item Number:27768
Reacciones químicas
Chemical reactions happen all the time - even inside us! Reactants change to make new products. Explore physical and chemical properties of the substances that surround us in this explosive, NGSS-aligned science book that supports STEM Education!
Item Number:27769
Las cuatro esferas de la Tierra
From deep below Earth's surface where metals are made to the thermosphere that protects our planet from harmful sunrays, travel through each layer of the spheres of Earth to see how every living thing is connected with this NGSS-aligned science book.
Item Number:27770
El poderoso océano
Ninety-six percent of Earth's water is found in the ocean. From the abyssal plain to the continental shelf, dive into discoveries about our ocean's habitats, life, and zones in this NGSS-aligned science book that supports STEM Education.
Item Number:27771
La Vía Láctea: Un río de estrellas
Is there life outside of planet Earth or even our galaxy? Launch fifth grade readers into learning about types of galaxies, Earth's place in the universe, properties of the Milky Way, astronomical tools, and more with this NGSS-aligned science book.
Item Number:27772
Stars may look the same from Earth, but they come in many sizes and colors. Fifth grade readers will enjoy learning about the composition and classification of stars, galaxies, our solar system, and more with this NGSS-aligned science book.
Item Number:27773
Calentamiento global
Understand the causes and effects of global warming to reduce our carbon footprint and impact on the planet. Fifth grade readers will learn about the carbon cycle, the greenhouse effect, renewable energy, and more with this NGSS-aligned science book.
Item Number:27774
Lo que demuestra la evidencia
Science is not all about the facts. It's about the evidence! Learn about authentic evidence and scientific inquiry in this NGSS-aligned book that will engage fifth grade readers as they develop scientific practices and content-area literacy.
Item Number:27775
El tiempo
Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless reader, filled with engaging, colorful images that show what we can see and do in the different types of weather.
Item Number:12496
Los animales
Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless reader, filled with engaging, colorful images that show animal parents and babies in their natural habitats.
Item Number:13118
Las plantas
Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show the growth of a plant from a seed to a flower.
Item Number:13120
Cabeza y hombros
Take a visit to the big top" and giggle your way through this creatively illustrated version of the traditional rhyme. This book has been translated into Spanish."
Item Number:13502
¿Qué tipo de tiempo?
What kind of weather are we having today? What clothes should I wear? Children will want to answer these questions as they read this delightful book about weather and how to dress for it. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:12498
La pequeña arañita
Everybody's favorite little spider comes to life as it braves the rain in this enchantingly illustrated version of the traditional rhyme The Itsy Bitsy Spider." This book has been translated into Spanish."
Item Number:12500
Bee, bee, borreguito negro
A cuddly and woolly black sheep offers its wool to its master, its dame, and the little boy down the lane in this delightfully illustrated version of the traditional poem. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:13094
La avena, los chícharos, los ejotes y la cebada crecen
A farmer grows delicious crops of oats, peas, beans, and barley, while a playful mouse grows crops of its own, in this delightfully illustrated version of the traditional song. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:13099
Si fuera un árbol
Would you like to be a tree? The child in this book imagines what a tree's life might be like. What does a tree do all day? Read this book to find out. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:13101
La muñeca de la señorita Molly
A little girl named Molly has a very sick dolly. She calls the doctor to come quick, quick, quick! Read what happens next in this sweetly illustrated version of the traditional song. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:13104
Usa tu cerebro
What can your brain do? Just about anything you want it to! Read this book to imagine all the fun adventures you can have when you use your brain" to make them happen. This book has been translated into Spanish."
Item Number:13106
La salud y la seguridad
Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless reader, filled with engaging, colorful images that show good health and safety practices.
Item Number:13122