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Derretirse y congelarse

Ice cream is a solid. But when it melts, it becomes a liquid. Solids can change to liquids and back again by melting and freezing. Read this Spanish-translated book to learn what happens when heat and cold and solids meet.

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El cerebro
El cerebro

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El cerebro

Where is your brain exactly? What does it do? Use your brain to read this engaging, Spanish-translated title and learn all about it!

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Los sentidos
Los sentidos

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Los sentidos

How do we learn about the world around us? One good way is to use our senses. Our senses give us five different ways to explore the world. But how do they do that? Read this Spanish-translated book to find out!

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El corazón
El corazón

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El corazón

There is an amazing muscle inside your body. It pumps blood and keeps you healthy. What is it? Your heart! Read all about it in this colorful, Spanish-translated title.

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Los pulmones
Los pulmones

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Los pulmones

Breathe in . . . breathe out. Do you ever wonder how you can do that? And do you ever wonder what happens to the air you breathe? Read this Spanish-translated book to learn about your amazing lungs and how they work!

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Los huesos
Los huesos

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Los huesos

What helps you stand up strong? What keeps you from flopping like a noodle on the floor? What gives your body its shape and protects your heart and brain? It is your bones, of course! Read all about them in this engaging, Spanish-translated title.

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Los músculos
Los músculos

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Los músculos

What makes your body move? What makes your legs and arms move up and down? Muscles do the trick! Read this Spanish-translated book to learn more about your strong muscles and how they work.

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Bicicletas y tablas

This Spanish-translated book explains the physics and history behind bicycles, skateboards, and surfboards. Readers learn what happens from the simplest movement of rolling forward to more complex tricks and stunts of jumping and spinning.

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Escalar y saltar

This Spanish book shows readers how Newton's three laws of motion affect divers, skydivers, and mountain climbers. Readers discover who uses gravity, who works against it, and all other forces that contribute to a successful dive or climb.

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Cómo funcionan los juguetes

Readers won't have to disassemble their favorite toys to discover what makes them work. This Spanish-translated book introduces readers to six simple machines and explains how they use force and motion to do work.

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Cómo funcionan los parques de diversiones

After an introduction to Newton's three laws of motion, readers learn the mechanics of various amusement park rides including roller coasters, Ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds, and gravity rides in this Spanish-translated book.

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La búsqueda de la velocidad: Los vehículos

Readers learn the history of travel and discover the factors that influence motion for all types of vehicles. They also learn how speed is measured and how engineers are seeking new and better ways to bring fast, safe travel to people.

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La búsqueda de lo mejor personal: Los deportes individuales

Readers learn how science plays a critical factor in any athlete's quest to be the best at his or her sport. Physics and aerodynamics affect many sports and help athletes strategize their next moves against their opponents.

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Los terremotos
Los terremotos

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Los terremotos

Most of the Earth's changes happen over millions of years, but earthquakes can force significant changes in just a few moments. In this Spanish book, readers learn the science of plate tectonics and its role in the development of earthquakes.

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Los volcanes
Los volcanes

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Los volcanes

Volcanoes erupt every day. Some volcanoes erupt constantly, while others lie dormant for years or even centuries. In this Spanish title, learn what happens beneath the Earth to cause a volcanic eruption.

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Los tornados
Los tornados

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Los tornados

Readers will learn how and where tornadoes hit, and how people protect themselves from life-threatening winds. With this Spanish book, readers will be highly engaged from cover to cover as they learn the science behind these storms.

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Los huracanes
Los huracanes

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Los huracanes

Hurricanes plague the tropics from June through November. In this Spanish title, readers learn how and where these storms form and the dangers they pose to the land and people who live in Gulf and Atlantic coast regions.

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Las inundaciones y las ventiscas

Floods and blizzards may be very different, but they do have one thing in common. In this Spanish book, readers will discover they have one vital ingredient in common: water.

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Los incendios
Los incendios

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Los incendios

Forest fires can be frightening, but sometimes fires are set intentionally to benefit the environment. In this Spanish title, readers will learn what fire is, how it burns, and how fires can both help and harm the areas they affect.

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La reproducción de las plantas

From a tiny seed to a towering tree, plants reproduce and carry on generations in the most amazing ways. Learn the how" and "why" about plant reproduction in this intriguing book."

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Productores y consumidores

Herbivores, carnivores, scavengers, and omnivores all contribute to many of Earth's life cycles. So, what are they and how are they different? Teach students about producers and consumers in this exciting book!

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Los sentidos de los animales

Animals have senses just like we do, but their senses work much differently than ours. Birds eyes don't move and some insects use their feet to smell things! Find out about the unique ways in which animals use their senses in this fact-filled book!

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Adaptation has been happening for thousands of years and continues to happen today. Read through the pages of this fascinating book to discover how adaptation has helped animals survive and change over time.

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El ciclo de los nutrientes

The nutrient cycle powers the world and keeps everything balanced. Learn about the importance of the nutrient cycle through high-interest text paired with colorful images that fill the pages of this book to make learning about this topic engaging and fun.

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