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La cultura de los calendarios

It's time" to learn how different cultures have kept calendars for thousands of years! With a hands-on STEAM activity and career connections, this Spanish book uses real-world examples to teach how the engineering design process is used to solve problems."

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Restaurar una aeronave

Read how Smithsonian conservators saved and restored an experimental WWII aircraft from ruin! With a hands-on STEAM activity and career connections, this Spanish book uses real-world examples to teach how the engineering design process is used to solve problems.

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Reconstruir el cuerpo

3D-printed prosthetics. Bionic and robotic limbs. Learn how technology has advanced the field of prosthetics. With a hands-on STEAM activity, this Spanish book uses real-world examples to teach how the engineering design process is used to solve problems.

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Hacer películas en tecnicolor

The use of Technicolor revolutionized the movie industry. Learn the technology behind Technicolor with this Spanish book that features a hands-on STEAM activity and uses real-world examples to teach how the engineering design process is used to solve problems.

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Vender más bocadillos

How do food scientists make chips that taste like cheeseburgers and design packaging that keeps snack foods fresh? Learn the science of food technology and the problems that food scientists solve with this Spanish book that features a hands-on STEAM activity!

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La evolución de los trajes espaciales

Learn about the science behind space suits and how they have changed over time. With a hands-on STEAM activity and career connections, this high-interest, Spanish book uses real-world examples to teach how the engineering design process is used to solve problems.

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Diseñar un transbordador

Learn about the challenges NASA engineers and scientists faced when tasked with creating the first space shuttle! This high-interest, Spanish book uses real-world examples to teach how the engineering design process is used to solve problems.

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Vehículos eléctricos

Learn why electric vehicles are enticing drivers to dump the pump" and how they have evolved over time! With a hands-on STEAM activity, this Spanish book uses real-world examples to teach how the engineering design process is used to solve problems."

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Explorar la actividad volcánica

Volcanologists are scientists who study volcanoes. Learn about this fascinating STEAM career and the tools of their trade with this high-interest Spanish book that uses real-world examples to teach how the engineering design process is used to solve problems.

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Rastrear tormentas

Meteorologists don't just predict the weather. They track hurricanes and tornadoes, and help people plan for disasters--before they strike! Learn about this fascinating STEAM career with this high-interest Spanish book that features a hands-on STEAM activity.

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La ciencia del surf: olas y tablas

Dive in and discover the science behind surfing! Surfers use science to select the right surfboard and to understand the motion of waves. This high-interest Spanish book features a hands-on STEAM activity and uses real-world examples to teach the content.

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Bienvenidos a su casa embrujada

Readers will be haunted" by the humorous antics of a ghost with a sense of humor in this delightfully illustrated Spanish chapter book."

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El libro mágico y místico de todas las cosas

This Spanish fantasy fiction reader will appeal to students who love stories involving time travel, magic, and libraries! In this imaginative story, a librarian sends Rosie back in time to teach her a lesson about appreciating what she has.

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Los desiertos
Los desiertos

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Los desiertos

Deserts may seem like harsh, uninhabitable places, but they support a diverse quantity of plant and animal life. Readers learn about hot and cold deserts alike, as well as semi-arid and coastal deserts in this Spanish-translated title.

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Los pantanos
Los pantanos

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Los pantanos

Readers learn all about wetlands and their complex interactions with plants and animals in this Spanish-translated title! They provide homes for many different kinds of plants and animals that are well adapted for the soggy conditions.

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Las selvas lluviosas

Learn all about tropical and temperate rainforests and the differences between these two unique biomes. Rainforests are filled with wonder and mystery, from the tall trees in the canopy to the dark and damp leaves on the forest floor.

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Los océanos
Los océanos

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Los océanos

Oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth's surface, providing students with a variety of plant and animal life to learn about. Students will also learn about the beach, tides, cliffs, bays, coastlines, coral reefs, and tide pools.

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Las selvas
Las selvas

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Las selvas

A forest is unlike any other biome on Earth. There are many life cycles found within a forest. Learn about the energy pyramid that explains the numbers of forest plants and animals. Learn about threats to these lively forests and how they survive!

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Las charcas
Las charcas

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Las charcas

A pond may seem quiet and subdued, but this unique ecosystem is filled with active life cycles. Students learn what distinguishes a pond from other bodies of water, the plant and animal life within it, and how they contribute to the pond itself.

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Los líquidos
Los líquidos

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Los líquidos

What takes the shape of the container it is in and changes shape when the container changes? Liquids! Liquid is a state of matter that has some big differences from solids and gases. Learn all about liquids with this Spanish-translated title!

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La condensación

How does a gas change to a liquid? Through condensation! In this Spanish-translated book, learn all about condensation and how it happens.

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Los gases
Los gases

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Los gases

What continues to expand to take up all the space it can? Gases! Gas is a state of matter, like a liquid or a solid. But it has properties that are quite different. In this Spanish book, read all about the differences and what makes a gas a gas.

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La evaporación
La evaporación

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La evaporación

How does a liquid become a gas? Through evaporation! Evaporation helps make puddles disappear after it rains. In this Spanish-translated book, learn all about evaporation and how it happens.

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Los sólidos
Los sólidos

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Los sólidos

A solid keeps its shape and always has the same volume. Read this Spanish-translated book to learn about solids and how they are different from liquids and gases.

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