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Discover how plants harness solar energy and other elements to make their own food. This engaging, NGSS-aligned science book supports STEM instruction and helps third grade students learn about photosynthesis and plant structures.

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El medio ambiente adecuado

From the desert to the tundra, learn about food webs, animal niches, climates, and other features of various biomes and their ecosystems. This engaging, NGSS-aligned science book supports STEM instruction for third grade students.

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Materia cambiante

Matter is all around us! Explore different states of matter, its properties, how it changes, and more in this engaging, NGSS-aligned science book that supports STEM Education for third grade students!

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Energía en acción

From potential energy to kinetic energy, electrical energy to mechanical energy, energy is constantly changing from one form to another. Learn how energy powers our world in this NGSS-aligned physical science book for third grade students.

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Without gravity our lives would be very strange! Be pulled into learning about the power of gravity both on Earth and out of this world. Teach third grade students about mass, weight, inertia, gravity, and more with this NGSS-aligned science book.

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If you've watched TV, worked on a computer, or ridden in a car, then you have experienced the power of electromagnetism. Teach third grade students about forces, atoms, currents, circuits, magnetism, and more with this NGSS-aligned science book.

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Fuerzas equilibradas y no equilibradas

Playing Tug-of-War, pedaling a bike, and jumping rope all require force! Learn about inertia, tension, lift and air resistance, electric and magnetic forces, combined forces, and more through this NGSS-aligned science book for third grade students.

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Tiempo extremo
Tiempo extremo

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Tiempo extremo

From blizzards to tornadoes, extreme weather occurs daily all over the world. This exciting NGSS-aligned informational text will help third grade students be prepared by learning about meteorologists, the Fujita scale, hurricanes, dust storms, and more.

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Rastreo del tiempo

We depend on weather forecasts to help us make choices every day. Join storm chasers and explore how they measure temperature, wind speed, air pressure, and more in this NGSS-aligned Earth and space science book for third grade students.

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Knowing about the climate of different places will prepare you for any kind of weather. Take a trip from the equator to the polar regions of Earth and learn about the different climate zones in this NGSS-aligned science book for third grade students.

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Las personas y el planeta

Explore harmful and beneficial ways we use natural resources so that we can better protect our planet. Third grade students will learn about deforestation, desertification, pollution, the greenhouse effect, and more with this NGSS-aligned science book.

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La luna de la Tierra

From tides to orbits, the moon affects life here on Earth. Third grade students will enjoy learning about the physical features and phases of the moon, tides, lunar calendars, and more with this NGSS-aligned Earth and space science book.

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Are you good at predicting? Learn all about scientific predictions and the steps that scientists take to make good predictions in this NGSS-aligned book that will engage third grade students as they develop scientific practices and content-area literacy.

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La cultura de Estados Unidos

American culture is all around us. The food we eat, the clothes we wear, and even the music that we listen to shows our unique culture. This Spanish-translated book celebrates the mosaic of American culture.

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Culturas de todo el mundo

There are many countries in our world, and they each have a unique way of life. When we explore different cultures, we learn about the people of the world. Although we may be different, we also have much in common. We are all part of one world.

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Honremos a nuestros héroes: Día de los Veteranos

Many brave men and women serve in the armed forces to uphold our values and protect our borders. On Veterans Day, we take time to thank these people. Learn the many amazing things about our Veterans in the Spanish-translated title.

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La Constitución de EE. UU. y tú

America has the oldest working constitution in the world! It tells our leaders how to run the country, and it ensures that Americans have rights. Learn all about the U.S. Constitution in this Spanish-translated title.

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Nuestro gobierno: Las tres ramas

Once America was free from Great Britain, it needed to decide how to run the new country. The nation's founders split the government into three branches. This ensured that no one person would have too much power. This system keeps us free!

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Nosotros, el pueblo: Valores cívicos en Estados Unidos

Learn the importance of civic values and how American's embrace each other's differences in this Spanish-translated title.

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Nuestro medio ambiente en constante cambio

The Earth is constantly changing. Earthquakes shake the ground. Volcanoes create new land. Water and wind erode rocks. Learn how these natural things are changing the face of our planet in this Spanish-translated book.

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Nuestros recursos naturales

We need natural resources to survive. But we need to be careful that we do not use too many of Earth's resources. Learn how you can help preserve Earth's natural resources by reading this Spanish-translated book.

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Estadounidenses asombrosos: Thurgood Marshall

Thurgood Marshall was an incredible man. He believed that separate but equal" was not fair. See what he did to become a justice for the Supreme Court and how he helped change unfair laws for African Americans by reading this Spanish-translated book."

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Estadounidenses asombrosos: Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks was an amazing woman. She stood up for herself and her beliefs. Today, Americans have more freedom because of her actions. Learn about this amazing woman by reading this Spanish-translated book.

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Recursos de capital y la economía

Capital resources are used every day. They are a part of our economy and they make it easier for us to do things. Discover how important capital resources are by reading this Spanish-translated book.

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