¿Ves una figura?
Look around you. Do you see a shape? Of course! There are shapes everywhere. Take a look at the shapes in this book to see which ones you recognize. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:13460
En marcha
How many ways are there to travel? Plenty! Take a look inside this book to see some of the fun ways that people go from here to there. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:13114
La transportación
Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show all kinds of transportation from around the world.
Item Number:13126
Si fuera un árbol
Would you like to be a tree? The child in this book imagines what a tree's life might be like. What does a tree do all day? Read this book to find out. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:13101
Los hogares de los animales
Every animal has a home, just like you do. Each home is unique. Read this book to see where all the animals live. Would you like to live in these animal homes, too? This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:13096
Puedo hacer cualquier cosa
A little girl uses her imagination to dream of all the things she can be and do when she grows up. You can read the book and dream along with her. Soon you will also say, I can be anything!" This book has been translated into Spanish."
Item Number:12950
¿Qué tipo de tiempo?
What kind of weather are we having today? What clothes should I wear? Children will want to answer these questions as they read this delightful book about weather and how to dress for it. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:12498
Los cinco sentidos
This wordless shared-reading book is perfect for children who do not yet know how to read or who are just beginning. The detailed, bright photographs will teach children about the five senses and encourage them to tell a story, describing each sense.
Item Number:15204
Canta por peniques
The five senses come alive in this illustrated version of the traditional rhyme. This rhyme has been translated into Spanish and allows children to create and verbalize their own stories about what they see or recognize.
Item Number:15206
Con mis sentidos
This Spanish-translated book allows new readers to establish connections between the words they read and the images on the page. With a strong link between text and images, readers are able to recognize how the five senses are used in everyday activities.
Item Number:15208
Los océanos
From the beautiful scenery to the amazing sea life, this wordless shared-reading book inspires children to create their own stories or descriptions about the beautiful, vibrant photographs.
Item Number:15193
La hora
Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book of engaging, colorful images that show children they can do different activities at various times of the day.
Item Number:15171
Tíkiti, tíkiti, ton
Everyone's favorite little mouse comes to life in this beautifully illustrated version of the traditional rhyme. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:15173
El día y la noche
Is it daytime or nighttime? Take a look inside this book to see some of the differences between day and night. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:15175
Los sentimientos
Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show children all types of different facial expressions.
Item Number:15160
Cada vez que estoy feliz
Experience the happiness the children feel in this delightfully illustrated version of the traditional rhyme. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:15162
El espacio
Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show the wonder of our solar system.
Item Number:15149
Mi cuerpo
Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show the wonderful ways our bodies can move and play.
Item Number:13498
Mi país
Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show children visiting iconic landmarks across the United States.
Item Number:13491
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle rides his pony through the pages of this creatively illustrated version of the traditional rhyme. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:13495
La escuela
Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show children what school is like.
Item Number:13484
María tenía una corderita
Experience the playful friendship between a girl and her lamb in this delightfully illustrated version of the traditional rhyme. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:13488
Construir cosas
Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book of engaging, colorful images that show children and adults how to build many different things.
Item Number:13477
El puente de Londres
Two children repair London Bridge with different types of building materials in this delightfully illustrated version of the traditional song. This book has been translated into Spanish.
Item Number:13481