TCM Milestones

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Teacher Created Materials

At Teacher Created Materials we are passionate about education! We develop innovative and imaginative educational materials and services for students worldwide. Join usin celebrating some of our key milestones as a company.    

Late 70’s - Humble beginnings, with a vision   

TCM Timeline - 70's

Publication of Quick Fun Art.

Publication of My Body. This book later appears in Life Magazine and in the movie Kindergarten Cop.

The 80’s - The big move and Launch of International division

TCM Timeline - 80's

Rachelle leaves the classroom and moves Teacher Created Materials out of her house into the first office building in Huntington Beach, CA.

Launch of International Division.

First published Literature and Critical Thinking books; first Teacher Created Materials' "Make it and Take it" seminar.

The 90’s - First seminar, new Curriculum division

TCM Timeline - 90's

First "Technology for Terrified Teachers" seminar.

Launch of the Curriculum Division with TechWorks.

Period between 2000-2004 - Write Time for Kids - 1st edition, launch of new divisions

TCM Timeline - 2000-2004

Partnered with TIME FOR KIDS® Magazine to publish 1st edition of Write Time for Kids.

Launch of the Social Studies Division with Exploring History and Primary Sources.

Launch of Mathematics Division with Exploring Math.

The Shell Education Professional Resource imprint launches.

Period between 2006-2009 - New partnerships, accolades and new company President

TCM Timeline - 2006-2009

Partnership with Texas Instruments to publish TechTools Resource Kit for TI Graphing Calculators.
Teacher Created Materials products are sold in 89 countries.
The Rachelle Cracchiolo Exceptional Curriculum Development Award Scholarship is established at California State University, Fullerton.

Partnership with Sally Ride Science to develop Sally Ride Science: Science Readers.

Awarded "Contractor of the Year" by Ability First Pasadena Work Center for employing individuals with disabilities.

Corinne Burton named President of Teacher Created Materials.

Period between 2010-2013 - Accolades for Ms. Cracchiolo, TCM goes digital

TCM Timeline - 2010-2013

Rachelle Cracchiolo is inducted into the Educational Publishing Hall of Fame.
Rachelle Cracchiolo is named one of Orange County's "Top 25 Most Hottest People" by the OC Metro.

TCM launches its first 100% digital product, Explor-eBook, a digital bookroom.
TCM begins annual tradition of participating in Read Across America Day to support literacy in local schools.

TCM joins other publishers at the White House and is honored by Michelle Obama for developing teaching resources that inspire healthy choices in food and activity.

Period between 2015-2017 - New product launch, recognitions for the Leadership

TCM Timeline - 2015-2017

Exploring Social Studies Texas Edition product launches and captures significant sales in TX Adoption.
Orange County Business Journal recognizes Teacher Created Materials as the Largest Women-owned Business in Orange County, CA.

TCM is selected as Distinguished Education Community Partner by California State University, Fullerton.
Executive Vice President, Deanne Mendoza wins local Businesswoman of the Year from the California Assembly.